Home Sweet Home.

Ever since I was in the 5th grade I knew that fashion was for me. I would sketch designs during my boring math classes and wear funky outrageous outfits that no one my age had the nerve to try. Today I am still that little girl from the 5th grade wearing knee high socks over black tights bold docs and artistic t-shirts and a thrifted glossy blazer. At this point in my life I am shifting my dreams into a reality. Feb. 13, 2010 I visited my soon to be college Parsons The New School For Design and the journey from little old Glenn Dale, MD was exhilarating indeed.

For the past week I have been stuck in the ridiculous blizzard of 2010. For peeps sake when someone looks at this photo you would think that I live in Colorado but no sir it's surprisingly Maryland.

In order to attend the Parsons Open House on time I had to wake up at 5:30 am. Note that I stayed on the phone till 2am which wasn't the smartest thing to do at the moment and I ended up having to pay for it. Thank god for coffee.

After my mother, bestfriend, and I were tangled in the streets of NYC we finally reached our destination.

First thing that comes to mind when I think of Parsons is "out of the box." To make it in the fashion industry as a fashion designer the number one thing that has to pop in your mind is how will I make my clothes different from other designers in a good way that pleases my customers. I feel that Parsons helps you reach that goal with hardcore studies under a strict time limit that doesn't give students much time to juggle around in their heads about what's good or not. You just have to DO IT. During the Open House I felt like a child inside of a HUGE Willy Wonka Factory. The excitement was becoming a bit obvious as I had a permanent smile stamped on my face. Parsons feels like home sweet home. It feels like I will be welcomed and belonged in such a wonderful atmosphere. I am ready to share with the world my vision. Cheers for The Beginning

Random artwork such as this piece is what truly makes me happy. Such creativity shared with the world one mark at a time.

Haha I was almost hit by a mad taxi cab driver while taking this photo. Kids don't try to be a dare devil and stand in the middle of a Nyc street. Very Dangerous.

This gentlemen is my definition of Mr. Cool. I love the way his walking pose came out with all the constant motion that wraps around him. Muy Bonita.


hieezyf said...

this is inspiring. but not as inspiring as my tie =P!

Chanel said...

haha I am going to have to buy you a new tie.