Here + There.


I took this photos grabbing inspiration from a couple Terry Richardson photos besides the first photo. In the first photo the sunset was so lovely through the blinds so I wanted to enhance the light and darken the background. The second photo was inspired from Terry Richardson's photo of Mary-Kate. This one is probably my favorite with the white background that focuses more attention on the dark colors I was wearing. Now the third photo was quite interesting since I had to chew a rose that became a bit soggy by the eighth take of the shot.

Okay now this is completely off subject but a couple of my friends keep asking "Did you delete your facebook, Why!?" Yes folks, I did delete my facebook because it was absorbing to much of precious time that I could have been using towards schoolwork, sewing, and just focusing on my family. Another reason was that I was sick and tired of old guys trying to add me, creepy right. So if you guys want to stay in touch visit my blog instead. Thanks. Oh and I have a twitter so you can add me there at CruzChanel.


Unknown said...

use the third picture as your display pic instead of your current crappy myspace angled + lighting picture, rofl. it's really nice.

Chanel said...

haha which crappy myspace photo?
okay thanks